Aia e, unii oameni are noroc, alţii n-are. Io am avut. Dar norocul şi-l mai face omul şi cu mâna lui, nu pică doar din cer. Ia uitaţi aici ce mi-a venit pe mail:

My name is Rita Braun . I have a tumor in my brain and i am going to die. My husband left to me his entire savings and i decided to donate it to charity. I am 59 years old  now and about 2 years ago,shortly after my husbands death  i was diagnosed with cancer.20 years ago me and my husband moved to Isreal, however i havent found anyone i could trust.And now , since I ‘m sick , I see in the eyes of  my alleged friends , how are they waiting for my deathso that  among themselves they could divide  13 million euros that my husband left  to me .But I will not allow it and  it ‘s the last thing I will do .
When i die the only surviving heir of the whole money is my stepson , but he was never grateful to his father and even was violent.He has terrorized us all throughout these years.And besides, he is not a good person,someone who runs a brothel can not be a good person.
You may be wondering why I chose you .But someone has to do it for me, because I can no longer wait even with the best of intentions .It is my desire that 70 % of the money would be  donated to cancer research as soon as it will successfully  reach  you, but my step son shouldnt know about it.The remaining 30% you can keep it for your efforts .
I was touched by the Lord and His love that opened my heart and my eyes .I have asked the Lord to forgive for  all my sins ,and I think he did it because he is merciful.
I have a surgery in two weeks and the doctor has assured me a 50/ 50 chance to survive .This is my last attempt to preserve the hard-earned money from my husband before a further abuse by his son.Apart from that, he does not even need it .At the moment I can not perform telephone calls, due to the fact that my friend  is worried and always around me and also  the doctor does not allow me to use a cell phone.
I ‘ve got a chance  to write this message with the help of my  nurse, who showed me an internet cafe around here .
Yesterday our family lawyer came.Luckily no one else was here so I could initiate him peacefully with  my project .He assured me that he will prepare everything for the transaction and the change of my last will.Actually, I shoul not keep it as a  secret , but I will only because such amount of money can make people fight over it and for that i dont want anyone to know.
If you  are convinced that you could help me  with in this matter , then please respond as quickly as possible.
I do not know how much time I have left.
In all cases , I wish that  you could use the love of the Lord in  your life, and he shall guide you with the knowledge
God be with you
love greetings
Rita Braun

Şi eu, băiat simţit cum mă ştiti, în loc să-l marchez ca spam, am fost politicos şi i-am scris şi eu femeii. Doar era în mare necaz.

Hello Rita, I am very impressed about your story. What can I do for you?

Cea mai inteligentă miscare evăr. Pentru că, foarte impresionată de interesul meu, biata şi muribunda Rita mi-a răspuns:

Hello Mihai Vasilescu

Thanks for your patient and time,  i have been going through various MIR test and intensive treatments due to my health,  as it stands now, i am fine enough to write email and read but not walk or do my normal daily activities as i use to. Meanwhile in delay of my current situation and provision for immediate action, my fund has been moved to the World Bank in Geneva Switzerland. I have their contact details but i cannot place to receive it because my account in this country is frozen and suffers from inactive operation. My fund with the World Bank is $21M with no illegal activities attached to it, I want you to receive this fund and help me treat people with cancer, support None Government Organization, cancer research foundations and many more. However you can also have 50% of the total amount and please do your best to help people because this world is nothing without the people living in it. I will rest my case here and hope for your urgent and decisive response to further this communication in transferring this fund .

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to ask me.

Best of regards.

Rita Braum

Am făcut abstracţie de faptul că între timp n-o mai chema „Braun”, ci „Braum”. Poate s-a măritat femeia sau avea emoţii mari şi bătea aiurea în taste. Dar important este mesajul transmis, nu amănuntele de genul ăsta. Iar eu am reţinut că la baiatu’ tocmai o să ajunga jumătate din alea 21 de milioane de dolari. Păi ce, sunt de colea? Deja m-am apucat să sun pe la dealerii de maşini. Nu mai are Megane-ul meu faţă de proaspăt milionar in parai. Pe drum spre importatorul de Maybach, i-am mai trimis un mail, ca să ştim cum stăm şi să fie treaba clară:


Sounds very, very good. I’d like to help so many people and I can’t for the moment. Anyway, with your help and your money we can do together a lot of good things. What I do next so I could use your account?

Şi m-am pus să aştept transferul de bani, ca să dau drumul la treabă. Dar se pare că mai dura un pic sau femeia voia să se asigure că am cele mai bune şi curate intenţii.

I hope you will understand the condition of my health. There is nothing you have to do, all you have to do is to contact the principle officer of my account and she will help you to make the transfer into any account of your choice. I know you run a blog and I can see how you really want to help people, just continue your good work and keep the humanitarian assistance alive.
I want you to assure me that this transaction will be secret and you will complete this claim and help others.
Your response is being awaited.
Rita Braum.
Ce-ai făcut femeie? Crezi că o să încep să scriu pe-aici că vrei matale să mă ţepuieşti? No way! Nu fac eu aşa ceva. 🙂
Mamă, dar cum a fost asta cu „I know you run a blog”, zici că sunt celebru sau ceva. Nu că spamul a venit pe gmail la „blogmihaivasilescu”. Aproape că m-a dat pe spate.

Hello Rita,

I assure you that the transaction will remain confidential. I want to help people and I can’t wait.

Cu asta se pare ca am convins-o de bunele mele intenţii şi drăgălaşa s-a hotărât să ducă relaţia noastră la alt nivel:

Hello Mihai.
What country are you from and what is your phone number? Please get back to me with this details as soon as you can. I am up now.
Mrs. Rita.
Băbăiete cât m-am gândit dacă să-i dau numărul sau nu. Dar eram în tabără, în mijlocul unei prezentări când mi-a scris, nu aveam niciun chef de maimuţareală la telefon. Aşa că i-am dat decisiva:


I am from Romania. Unfortunately these days I got no phone. Mine it’s broken and I need to buy another one. But it’s ok, I stil got email acces from my pc.

A dracului Rita, ceva nu i-a convenit, nici că mi-a mai scris. Nţţţ. Oare nu-i place România sau ce?
No, cam asta zic eu că înseamnă să spamezi un spammer. Îmi pare rău că nu mi-a venit ideea încă de pe vremea când îmi scria în disperare doctorul ăla din Nigeria.
